Mason Family: Pre-Field Administrators for Baptist Missions to Forgotten People

"Craig and Tammy Mason grew up in Berryville, Virginia, and met in junior high. They got married in 2003 and have two children. Craig served in the United States Air Force as a firefighter/paramedic. Craig currently works for the government as a fire marshal. Tammy was a flight attendant for several years until their first child was born. She has been blessed for the past twenty years to be a stay-at-home mom where she homeschools their children.

Craig and Tammy were both saved when they were adults. After attending a men’s prayer advance, Craig accepted the Lord. Three months later, Craig led Tammy to the Lord. They enjoy serving the Lord in their local church and are faithful in many ministries.

After hearing the late Dr. Burge present the Mission Possible European Retreat, the Lord worked on their hearts about attending the retreat in Germany. On their first trip to the retreat in 2019, Craig and Tammy surrendered their lives to missions, not knowing how or where the Lord would use them. However, a few years later, the Lord called them to serve as the pre-field administrators, and they faithfully fulfill that role." - BMFP

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